Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Commission #1

Oh Little Town of Vestfossen (Norway)
8" x 10"

Commission for Phaedra and Marius Karoy

I started a commission project this Christmas season. I had never undertaken anything like this before and didn't know what to expect. Turned out that more people took me up on it than I expected. It was a ton of work and extremely stressful, but I'm glad I did it, and look forward to doing it again soon.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Still Life Rig

The vast majority of my painting for a long time was plein air, which is to say painted on site. Urban or otherwise, landscapes had become my subject matter of choice. There is an immediacy to painting that way that really appeals to me. The downside to that, though, is the fact that when you want to paint, you have to pack up all of your gear, hope for decent weather, and head out to your painting location. The problem is that, with a full-time day job, a thriving business that I run with Angela which is another full-time job and being a full-time parent, trying to find the time to paint can be a real challenge. I found that I wasn't painting as much as I needed or wanted to. To that end, I decided to switch to still life for awhile. I could paint on a daily basis and still be close to home where I needed and wanted to be. The one downside to painting at home is that the light in my 'studio' aka 'the garage' isn't the greatest. To that end, I came up with a system where I could control the light and set up my subject matter exactly the way I wanted to. If, by 'came up with a system' you mean 'stole from Carol Marine, who is my new favorite artist and inspiration as a daily painter and can be found at '.
Here, then, is the place where all the magic comes from, and how it came to be.

The materials

The Boy, added for scale

Bottom and backing panel added

The Final Setup
So there you have it. Thanks again, for all of you that have signed up for my mailing list and have been along for the ride with 52 Weeks 100 Paintings. I'll be picking back up with painting #54 when I get done with all of my painting commissions and other assorted holiday projects.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #52 Venti Americano Extra Shot No Room

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
#52 Venti Americano Extra Shot No Room
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel
My drink of choice at Starbucks. If the barista is feeling extra magnanimous, he/she will throw in the sixth shot of espresso. Not always, but it's a nice little extra when they do. Some people say they can't exist without their coffee. But you know what? After watching the devastation of Hurricane Sandy I'm reminded that it's most definitely a luxury. It's too bad that it takes something horrific like that to make one appreciate big important things like having a place to live and being warm and dry. I just need to remind myself to be grateful for everything, large and small. And to enjoy a Venti Americano Extra Shot No Room when I get the chance. All proceeds from the sale of today's painting will go to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Gollum Pumpkin

Okay, it's not a painting. I try to mix it up a little.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #50 Sprinkles

52 Weeks 100 Paintings 
#50 - Sprinkles
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Panel
Number 50. Wow! Halfway there. Time flies. It's been an adventure, and I thank all of you for being here for it. Thanks to you, thanks to Stephanie at Treat for the amazing cupcakes, and thanks most of all to Angela, for all the love and support and for helping me carve out the time from our already crazy schedule to do this in the first place. I look forward to the next 50, and I'm glad y'all are along for the ride. Thanks again for your support! Cheers!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #47 - Tomatoes

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
#47 - Tomatoes
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel
Sold to Laura Flores

 Sometimes when you don't know what to paint, something just falls in your lap. In this case, it was a bunch of Roma Tomatoes from the backyard garden of Bobbi, Molly's piano teacher. Thanks, Bobbi.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #46 Pomegranates

Painting #46 - Pomegranates 
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Somehow, over the course of my life, I missed out on pomegranates. I don't
know if it had to do with growing up in the Midwest or always sticking to the more conventional WASP-y fruits- you know, apples, bananas, pears, grapes, etc., but pomegranates were always something I associated more with a Gaugin painting or smooth jazz than something you would actually buy at a grocery store, take home, and consume. Curiosity got the best of me the other day, though. I bought two, not so much to eat, but just because they were so beautiful and red and round and I thought they would make a nice painting. I cut one in half. After watching Angela spoon up some of the seeds, I did the same. I was not prepared for the explosion of flavor. To be honest, I felt a bit like one of the cavemen in 2001 - A Space Odyssey, hooting and grunting in wonder and glee and my newfound, exotic discovery. Of course, the fact that this wonder was a reaction to something that to most people is just another piece of produce made me feel even more Neanderthal. Anyway, it was a nice discovery, and one found better late than never. Embarking on this painting series has been really interesting to me. I've made a lot of little discoveries along the way, everything from different ways of seeing light and mixing color to, well, pomegranate seeds. Thanks to all of you for coming along for the ride.

Monday, October 8, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #45 - Candy Corn (and Pumpkin)

52 Weeks 100 Paintings 
#45 - Candy Corn (and Pumpkin) 
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Panel

'Tis the season. White. Orange. Yellow. White. Orange. Yellow. Always in that order. Like biting the ears off a chocolate bunny, I've been doing it the exact same way for over 40 years.

Friday, October 5, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings Painting - #44 Tiny Pumpkins

Painting #44
Tiny Pumpkins 
7" x 5" 
Oil on Canvas Panel
It's that time of year again, so this is the first in a series of
Halloween-themed paintings. We're getting to that odd point
as parents, where Sean has decided for the first time to
stay home and hand out candy instead of trick-or-treating.
Molly's still all in, though. So am I, but that's
a different conversation.

Monday, September 24, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #41 Salt Shaker

Painting #41
Salt Shaker 5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Design is one of those things that you tend not to notice unless it's bad. Which is unfortunate, because there are lots of examples of really nice design that just sit there unnoticed because they just sit there doing what they're supposed to do and looking like they're supposed to look. This salt shaker is a perfect example. I've been picking one up exactly like it for over 40 years now, and until recently, I never really looked at it. That's one of the things I really like about this painting series. I'm starting to look more closely at a lot of things that have always just kind of been there. And I'm finding that there are a lot of really cool things all around me, if I only take a second to enjoy and appreciate them.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #38 - Zinnias

Painting #38 - Zinnias
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Our first house together after we got married had a tiered garden in the back. We filled it with cosmos, nastirtium and zinnias along with other flowers and the occasional vegetable. The zinnias were the brightest and most colorful and very quickly became my favorite. They still remind me of those early, giddy days of wedded bliss. Of course, now the days are not-so-early, but I'm still giddy and it's still bliss. So I got that going for me.

Which is nice.

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #37-Apsco Giant 6 Hole Pencil Sharpener

Painting #37
Apsco Giant 6 Hole Pencil Sharpener
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Panel

 New pencil sharpeners don't do it for me. No number of double AA batteries can provide the proper amount of power necessary for me to get the point I need. That's where the Apsco Giant 6 Hole Pencil Sharpener comes in. 6 holes to accommodate everything from golf pencils to pastel pencils to those giant starter pencils we had in kindergarten. Packed full of gears and blades working in perfect harmony to make short work of anything stupid enough to makes its way into one of its holes.
It weighs about 15 pounds. It could be used as a murderweapon in the game of Clue. And for some reason,it is a device that makes me very happy.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #36 Campbell's Soup l

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
Painting #36
Campbell's Soup I 
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Life imitates art. Imitates life. Imitates art. Campbell's just came out with 4 different cans
of tomato soup based on Andy Warhol'sscreenprints of Campbell's Tomato Soup.
Which I am now painting. One down. Three to go.

Monday, September 3, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #35 - nutella

Painting #35 - nutella
8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas Board

I'm not sure how I made it 40+ years without heeding the
siren call of nutella. Trust me. I'm making up for it now.

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #34 - Crayons

Painting #34 - Crayons
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Board

Next week I'll have a 7th grader and a 4th grader. Yeesh. Meanwhile, the cavalcade of school supplies continues.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #33 - Pencils

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
#33 - Pencils
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board

It's that time of year again. Angela's annual facial tic is back and
there are piles of school supplies laying around the house. Must be time for school to start again.
More to come.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings - #32 Cupcake ll

Painting #32
Cupcake II
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Board

Strawberry Cupcake by Treat.
Like em on Facebook here, or better yet,
pay them a visit and enjoy the real thing.

Friday, August 17, 2012

August Haze, Salmon Creek

Painting #30
August Haze, Salmon Creek
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Board

The Salmon Creek Trail is about two miles from my house, and it's one of my favorite places to paint. On a clear day, you can see Mt Hood, just to the right of the big tree, between the tree line in the distance and the horizon. (It's an hour and a half east) On hot, hazy August days like the day this was painted, not so much. But, hot August days also mean that when painting there, I'm surrounded by literally hundreds of thousands of blackberry bushes. And this time I brought the green Tupperware bowl along with my other paint supplies. Paint for an hour, pick for 25 minutes. Paint for half an hour, pick for half an hour. Paint for an hour, pick for 45 minutes. At the end of the painting session, my fingers are stained purple, but not from paint. My forearms and lower legs are criss-crossed with scratches, but I won't really feel them until the shower that night. When I get home, I have 4.5 pounds of blackberries and this painting. Life is good.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings #29 Fisher Price American Gothic

Painting #29  
Fisher Price American Gothic    
7" x 5"   
Oil on Canvas Board 

I had forgotten about my first crush until I found Angela's bucket of Little People in a storage box of stuff from her childhood. I looked down, and there she was. The blond ponytail, the body that was the perfect shade of blue, the laughing eyes, the enigmatic smile, everything I remembered from kindergarten....and then there was HIM, with the green body and the squiggly hair and pointed nose. And then there was the dog. And the girl with the pigtails. And the creepy kid with the freckles and the sideways cap. And more. And more. Funny how you forget about things until you see them again, and then it all comes flooding back. Well, it turns out we've got a ton of Little People, and they're sure to make additional appearances in this painting series. If there are any in particular that you'd like to see in a painting, drop me a line. We might be able to work something out.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

52 Weeks 100 Paintings - Carrots

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
Painting #28 - Carrots
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board

No anecdote to speak of, just that you should eat more of them and a reminder that this beautiful produce comes from Kruger's Farm. Again, if you're in the Vancouver/Portland area, go. It's on Sauvie Island, and a wonderful, magical time will be had by all.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bumper Cars, Seaside, Oregon

Painting #27
Bumper Cars, Seaside, Oregon
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Board

The pilgrimage to the Bumpercars/Tilt-a-Whirl/10 Tiny Tees (miniature golf) place in Seaside, Oregon is an annual tradition that we all look forward to during Angela's (and my) family reunion. Not all traditions stay the same, however, and change is inevitable. The woman who ran the Tilt-a-Whirl when Angela was young now runs the bumper cars.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Seaside Flowers

Painting #26
Seaside Flowers
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board

Walking along the prom in Seaside, Oregon last weekend, we passed a house with bouquets of local flowers for sale. Sweet Peas have always been Angela's favorite, and for $2.50, she couldn't resist. For an extra 50 cents, they threw in the Mason jar vase.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Driftwood, Seaside, Oregon

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
Painting #25 - Driftwood
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Board
Sold to Lacey Schnell

Angela married me 16 years ago yesterday. We flew out to Seattle the day before, I met her parents and siblings for the first time, and the next day we drove east across the state and were married at a little bed and breakfast in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. A few days later, I was to meet the rest of her extended family at their annual reunion in Seaside, Oregon. Scary enough meeting a large group of complete strangers who were now family members, but it was going to be on the ocean, and there's nothing like a little splashing in the surf, and a little fun in the sun in the warm water on expansive, white sand beaches. Turns out, having spent all of my beach time on the southern Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, I was not aware that there are different types of beaches, and different types of ocean. I ran out, ready to make a sand castle and do a little body surfing, and found this. Rocks of all sizes as far as the eye could see, huge piles of driftwood, a stiff, cold 25-mile-an-hour breeze freezing me to the core, and an ocean that was a full 30 degrees colder than any water I had ever attempted to frolic in. After this minor shock, at least I could look forward to meeting her entire family, or at least a large percentage of them, which was frightening in and of itself (there were 40-50 of them, all complete strangers who seemed to know more about me than I did of them).

It turns out that they are some of nicest, funniest, warmest people I have ever met. They welcomed me into the family immediately and unconditionally, and I have looked forward to the reunion every year since. I now love Oregon beaches. I love the rocks. I love the cold. I love the driftwood. The driftwood in the painting is probably 7 feet tall. It's the spot where we have the official beach party every year, and every year it gets a little smaller and a little blacker, slowly burning down as it used by others who make beach fires at its base. But as it gets smaller, the love that I feel for this place, these people, and especially Angela, continues to grow.

Coconut Cupcake

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
Painting #24 - Coconut Cupcake
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Board
Sold to Michelle Marshall

Cupcake by Treat, purveyor of the best cupcakes and cakes
in the Vancouver/Portland metro area. If you're anywhere
close, go. And like them on Facebook too.

Facebook here:

Website here:

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Peppers with Knife

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
Painting #23 - Peppers with Knife
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvas Board
Sold to Michelle Woodbury

Bert Pez

52 Weeks 100 Paintings
Painting #22 - Bert
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board
Sold to Judy Sell

I picked up the first Pez when Sean was probably a year old. We were at the grocery store, he was in the seat in the cart and we were going down the candy aisle. I looked down and Fred Flintstone was looking up at me. I picked it up, Sean smiled and reached for it, and that was pretty much it. He's now taller than his Mom and and inch, inch-and-a-half shorter than me. He no longer fits in the cart. But we've been picking up Pez whenever we see a new one ever since. I'll get around to Fred eventually, but Bert's been on my mind lately. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


52 Weeks 100 Paintings
Painting #21 - Sunflowers
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board
Sold to Sarah Miller

Friday, July 13, 2012


Painting #20 - Cherries
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvasboard

When the people next door dragged their Christmas tree into the side yard and it sat for six months, it seemed a bit rustic. When it sat for a whole year, they graduated to trailer park status. But when the following year's Christmas tree, complete with strings of lights still attached, joined the dried out tree from the previous year, I knew that they had truly graduated to White Trash. We lost the White Trash Neighbors about six months ago when they finally abandoned the house. Although it's not so much that we lost our White Trash neighbors, but that we gained the giant cherry tree in what used to be their back yard. At first we just picked the ones that hung over our side of the fence. But finally, when I realized that the cherries were dropping, overripe, into the waist-high grass beyond the fence, I decided to take the matter into my own hands. Molly and I went over with a step ladder and picked more fresh cherries than I've ever seen in one place at one time. Plain cherries, cherry cobbler, cherry almond ice cream, we've enjoyed them in a variety of ways - it's been a veritable cherry fest around here. And now the very last of them are here in a white ceramic bowl by the kitchen sink.


Painting #19 - Cookies
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvasboard

Sprinkle cookies? Sugar cookies? Neither of those sound right. Angela says technically they're called 'Lofthouse' cookies. Whatever. All I know is that they're the best mass-produced grocery-store-bought cookies I've ever had.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Painting #18
Happy 4th of July
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board
This is what I see when I stand on my driveway and look due east.
Happy Fourth of July, everybody (even if it's the 5th)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Painting #17
Baby Bluebird Egg Cup
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board

I think part of it is in honor of the baby birds that hatched in the nest on our front porch today. But it's more because I've been looking at this baby bluebird egg cup behind the kitchen sink every day for what will be 16 years at the end of this month. And it makes me think of my Sweetie.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Painting #16
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Board

Sean's going to be 13 in a couple months. It's been amazing watching him grow and develop into a young man. It's also been interesting watching his tastes develop over time. From Barney and the Wiggles to Stevie Wonder and Steely Dan, he's not the little boy he was. Toys and posters and things that cover his shelves have come and gone as well. I'm glad the robot has stayed, though. It arrived when he got his first big boy bed, which was space-themed, and has made the cut ever since. You know, this probably explains why I started crying during the opening credits of Toy Story 3, and was still sniffling as we walked to the car in the parking lot. Toys come and go. But it's nice to have little things like the robot to remind me of when he was very small.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Painting #15
      Two Pear      
7" x 5"  

Oil on Canvasboard 


Don't really have an anecdote for this one. Just beautiful fruit from Kruger's Farm. If you're in the Vancouver/Portland area, please go. Quality time for the whole family. It's one of our favorite places to go as a family, and we highly recommend it.

Painting #14 - Hydrangea in Blue Jar
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvasboard

Hydrangeas abound in the Pacific Northwest. White, pink, blue, purple, a veritable explosion of color. I think it's a question of the pH balance in the soil. In Minnesota, hydrangeas were few and far between, and they were invariably white. Angela, growing up in the Pacific Northwest, was quite fond of hydrangeas, and so we did our best to grow one in Minnesota. We were able to, over time coax a single hydrangea bush out of the ground in front of our house. And every summer, like clockwork, after the first thunderstorm at the end of May, it would look like a 16-ton safe had been dropped on it. Trying to tie up the smashed stalks to approximate and actual living thing became an annual tradition for us. It always ended up looking like what would have happened if Frankenstein had been a botanist instead of a medical doctor, but it was OUR hydrangea. It was perfect, and to us it existed in that magical time in late May in Minnesota, after the snow banks had finally receded, and before the violent thunderstorms and robin-sized mosquitoes took up residence.

Painting #13 - Black Coffee
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvasboard

Dad made me like black coffee when I was 13. My sister and brother-in-law were building a church in Minnesota. Dad, being the can-do force of nature that he was, decided to take it upon himself to do the lion's share of the manual labor. That meant that we all made the trek from Ohio to Minnesota for a little 'vacation'. Of course, this was also the middle of winter. Working outside with Dad in winter was always an experience anyway. Working outside with Dad in winter in Minnesota was something else entirely. At this point I liked coffee, but with large amounts of milk and sugar. Black coffee did absolutely nothing for me. Dad, being Dad, liked his coffee black. Preferably with a pinch of salt. And maybe some metal shavings. So it was that I found myself during Christmas vacation on a frozen patch of desolate ground in the middle of nowhere, Minnesota in the absolute crotch of winter; extremities freezing, exposed skin growing numb and the hairs inside my nose frozen stiff. (Minnesotans understand this phenomenon) I wanted nothing more than a nice, hot, sweet, cup of coffee to help me warm up. Dad knew this. He called me over and held up his battered, green metal thermos. And smiled.

Happy Fathers Day, Dad. Love you.

Painting #12 - Happy Apple
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvasboard

I was going to whine about not having a Happy Apple when I was kid.
Then I realized they didn't come out until I was 6. Little late by that point.

Painting #11 - Wienermobile Hot Wheel
7" x 5"
Oil on Canvasboard

It's not like I needed another reason to like a 27 foot-long, 11 foot-high v-8 powered hot dog that continuously plays my favorite song when I was 4. But it turns out that 1 of the 6 Weinermobiles has been spending a lot of time in the NW - our area in particular. It turns out they have been here not only bringing joy to kids (and adults) with regular stops at grocery stores and mall parking lots, but also raising funds for Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland. We'll be doing our part today by donating the proceeds from the sale of this painting to Doernbecher too.